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Sunday, 13 April 2014

How To Double Your System Speed

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Sometime, we are face with the problem of our system not being fast and inability to process information at a High Speed do to lack of the system basic configuration or program obstruction. So today we shall look at some of the possible cause of system being slow and a way out. 

Below is the list of the possible Problem that we make a computer to be very slow. 

1.     Low Processing System Configuration.
The number great cause of computer being slow is Low system configuration, if your computer system has a low configuration; it is likely to develop a slow processing of the task you give it to execute. When you are buying computer, it highly recommended that you buy a good Quality PC, with Good configuration system. You can read my Post on Basic System Configuration to find out more on this. 

2.     Clustering of Too Many program in the computer.
Another great reason why computer develop frequent slow processing speed is there is too much installed programs, especially irrelevant once, which will in turn be slowing down the entire processing speed of the computer, so I will encourage to avoid installing programs that you know you don’t necessarily need in your PC. 

3.     Creating of several files in the computer
Files are collection of related information that is uninstalled in a computer. We all know that we need file but you must know that excess creation of files which are not relevant in the computer may cause your computer system to be slow in processing of information. Example of some irrelevant files you should ride of your computer are some folders, too many of Pictures, Irrelevant Download files etc.  if you don’t get rid of this files, what happen is that this files will be cluster around the hard Disk as a contiguous Files and it will obstruct the boot sequence of the PC during the Start up Programs. 

Possible Solution To Adopt when Your System is Slow
  1. Remove Any Programs or Files you are no longer using again from your computer
  2. Disable some start up program that may be running when you boot the computer.
  3. Empty the Recycle being Always to free the hard Disk from any contiguous files.
  4. Run Scan Disk Always.

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