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Thursday, 23 May 2013

How to Build a Dynamic Site

Building a dynamic site is not a one day job. for real and perfect web master it is like a life time commitment. reason being because it is more of a tideous task to start it. some time it is so wounderful when we pick up some content management system to start building. but at long run most of us are frustrated because no one is there to encourage us or even to comment on our hard work. but here on this site I am encouraging any Web Designer whether CMS Or an Online Builders to strive hard to make there dream come through despite the difficulties that may arise. so if you went to build a corporate or personal website.
 Here is some way to start from

1. Using Content Management System  For Bloggers
CMS is an online  platform that unabel one to build free and premium web space online some of them incude
a) Word Press b) Blogger  for blogging platform
2.Microsoft ASP.NET

Microsoft ASP.NET

Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
Composite C1 ASP.NET (Web Forms, MVC) XML, SQL Server 3.2 Mozilla Public License 2012-04-27[3]
DotNetNuke ASP.NET (Web Forms) SQL Server 7.0 MIT License 2013-03-06[4]
mojoPortal ASP.NET SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, SQL CE CPL 2013-03-08[5]
Orchard Project ASP.NET (MVC) SQL Server, SQLCE, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL[6] 1.6.0 New BSD License 2012-10-27[7]
Umbraco ASP.NET (Web Forms, MVC) SQL Server, MySQL 6.0.4 MIT License 2013-03-04[8]


Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
blosxom Perl Flat-file database 2.1.2 MIT 2008-10-02
Bricolage Perl on mod perl MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle 2.0.1 BSD 2011-02-09
Cyclone3 Perl MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle versionless (SVN) GPL 2012-11-29
EPrints Perl on mod perl MySQL, PostgreSQL 3.3.11 GPL 2013-01-31
Foswiki Perl Plain files (under version control) 1.1.8 GPL 2013-03-01[9]
Ikiwiki Perl Git (software), Apache Subversion, Mercurial 3.20120203 GPL 2012-02-03
Movable Type Perl, mod perl, FastCGI, w/PHP MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite 5.2.3 GPL 2013-01-23[10]
TWiki Perl Plain files (under version control) 5.1.4 GPL 2013-02-16[11]
WebGUI Perl on mod perl MySQL 7.10.27 GPL 2012-10-29[12]


Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
AdaptCMS PHP MySQL 2.0.4 GPL 2012-09-29[13]
ATutor PHP MySQL 2.1.1 GPL 2013-03-15[14]
b2evolution PHP MySQL 4.1.6 GPL 2012-11-23[15]
BEdita PHP MySQL 3.1.7 AGPL 2012-03-05[16]
CMS Made Simple PHP MySQL 1.11.6 GPL 2013-4-19[17]
CMSimple PHP Flat-file database 3.4 GPL 2011-05-15
concrete5 PHP MySQL MIT 2013-03-21[18]
Contao PHP MySQL 3.0.6 LGPL 2013-03-21[19]
Cotonti PHP MySQL 0.9.13 BSD 2013-03-16[20]
Directus PHP MySQL[21] 5.1 GPL 2012-03-20[22]
Dokuwiki PHP Flat-file database 2012-01-25 GPL 2012-01-25
Dotclear PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 2.5 GPL 2013-03-16[23]
Drupal PHP MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server[24] 7.22 GPL 2013-03-06[25]
DynPG PHP MySQL 4.5.2 GPL 2012-11-15[26]
Exponent CMS PHP MySQL 2.1.3 GPL 2013-02-22[27]
ExpressionEngine PHP MySQL 2.5.5 Commercial 2012-12-20[28]
eZ Publish PHP5 MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server 5.0 GPL 2012-11-22[29]
Geeklog PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server 1.8.0 GPL 2011-06-12
GetSimple CMS PHP Flat-file database 3.2.0 GPL3 2013-02-11
Habari PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL,[30] SQLite 0.9.0 Apache License 2011-12-13[31]
ImpressCMS PHP MySQL 1.3.4 GPL 2012-12-03[32]
Joomla! PHP MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite[33] 2.5.9 (LTS) / 3.0.3 GPL 2013-02-04[34][35]
Kajona PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB, Oracle 4.0 LGPL 2013-01-09[36]
KnowledgeTree Community Edition PHP MySQL 3.7 GPL & proprietary 2009-12-08[37]
Lyceum PHP MySQL 1.0.3 GPL 2008-06-04[38]
Magento PHP MySQL GPL 2012-07-05
Mambo PHP MySQL 4.6.5 GPL 2008-06-01
Mediawiki PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 1.20.3 GPL 2013-03-14[39]
MiaCMS PHP MySQL 4.9 GPL 2009-07-29[40]
Midgard CMS PHP (Midgard framework) MySQL LGPL 2012-09-26[41]
MODX PHP MySQL 2.2.6 GPL 2012-12-03[42]
Moodle PHP MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL, or Oracle 2.4.3 GPLv3+ 2013-03-18[43]
Nucleus CMS PHP MySQL 3.64 GPL 2011-03-14[44]
Ocportal PHP MySQL 9.0.6 CPAL 2013-02-189.0.6 [45]
papaya CMS PHP5 MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 5.5.2 GNU/GPL 2 2013-02-12[46]
Peardrop PHP Flat-file database 0.1 GPL Still pre-release
Phire CMS PHP 5.2.6+ MySQL 1.1.2 New BSD License 2011-07-07[47]
PHP-Fusion PHP MySQL 7.02.06 AGPLv3 2013-01-27[48]
PHP-Nuke PHP MySQL 8.1 GPL 2009-05-22[49]
Phpweblog PHP MySQL 0.5.2 GPL 2001-10-31
phpWebSite PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL 1.6.3 LGPL 2009-06-17
phpWiki PHP MySQL 1.2.11 GPL 2008-03-18
pimcore PHP MySQL 1.4.9 BSD 2013-03-02
PivotX PHP MySQL, Flat-file database 2.3.3 GPL 2012-05-13
Pixie (CMS) PHP MySQL 1.0.2 GPL 2009-03-24
PmWiki PHP Flat-file database[50] SQLite[51] 2.2.36[52] GPL 2011-12-28
Prestashop PHP5 MySQL 1.4.7 GPL 2012-02-08
ProcessWire PHP5 MySQL 2.3 GPL 2013-03-18
Redaxscript PHP MySQL 1.2.1 GPL 2013-01-20[53]
RavenNuke CMS PHP MySQL 2.5.1 GPL 2013-02-17
RenovatioCMS PHP MySQL 001.110 GPL 2011-10-18
SMW+ PHP - MediaWiki MySQL 1.6.0 GPL 2011-12-02[54]
Serendipity PHP + Smarty MySQL, PostgreSQL, MySQLi, SQLite 1.6.2 BSD 2012-05-16 [55]
SilverStripe PHP 5.3.2+ MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle 3.0.2 BSD 2012-09-17
SPIP[56] PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite 3.0.8[57] GPL 2013-04-17
TangoCMS PHP MySQL 2.6.1 GNU/GPL 2 2010-11-29
Textpattern PHP MySQL 4.5.4 GPL 2012-12-05[58]
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware PHP MySQL 10.0[59] LGPL 2012-12-21
Tribiq CMS PHP MySQL 6.0.5a BSD 2012-11-07[60]
TYPO3 PHP MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL 4.5.25 (LTS) / 6.0.4 GPL 2013-04-04[61]
UAG CMS PHP Flat-file database 1.9.7 LLDGP1 2013-02-28
WolfCMS PHP MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL 0.7.5-SP1 GPL v3 2012-04-11
WordPress PHP MySQL 3.5.1 GPL 2013-01-24[62]
Xpress Engine PHP MySQL, Cubrid, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, MSSQL LGPL v2 2012-01-05[63]
Xaraya PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL 2.2.0 GPL 2012-06-23[64]
XOOPS PHP MySQL 2.5.5 GPL 2012-04-17[65]
Zikula PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle 1.3.5 GPL 2012-12-07[66]


Each of this list of CMS are geared towards achieving  a successful Web Design/ Development . so click at any of them to start your learning.  in my next post on this topic we shall examine some online web builders that can get you started so stick to this site.

Knowledge is power and I am here to give out the best I can. Feel free to contact me with any question you may have as a result of this post or any other thing. Share this article with friend, on facebook, Twitter, or live a comment below. If you want to know me click HERE.
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