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Thursday, 3 April 2014

Simple Step to install CorelDraw in your System


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CorelDraw is a powerful Designing Software which is use to create a quality Graphic all over the globe. It is software develop by corel Corporation which is purely meant for Graphic Desingiong. Today we shall look at a simple way any one can install any version of CorelDraw in his or her PC. But before we look at simple installation procedure, we shall look briefly the various version of CorelDraw we and what they all have in common. 

CorelDraw Version 9 Normally called Corel 9
CorelDraw Version 11 Normally called Corel 11
CorelDraw Version 12 Normally called Corel 12
CorelDraw Version 13 Normally called Corel X3
CorelDraw Version 14 Normally called Corel X4
CorelDraw Version 15 Normally called Corel X5

 The version keep coming up but this is just the few once we can mention in this post, on our subsequent post, if any version comes up we shall notify you.  Among this entire version one thing they both have in common is that they follow procedure means of installation. If you are a window user then I recommend you follow the below step to install any of this version of CorelDraw in your computer System.
Step to install CorelDraw
  1. Get the CD or DVD ROM Drive install in your computer
  2. Once the system Boot up., insert the CorelDraw Software inside the CD or DVD ROM Dive.
  3. Wait for the set up window to appear
  4. Click on install CorelDraw at the top of the Dialogue box Window that pop up.
  5. Enter the Serial Number as stated on the Back of the CorelDraw CD cover Plate.
  6. Allow the system to load up the installation fie into the system, normally it takes about 20 to 40 Minute depending the processing speed of the computer you are using to install the software.
  7. Once the software has finish installing just hit at finish and you have successfully install CorelDraw in your computer. Congratulation for successful installation. 
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