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Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Basic Steps Taken in Troubleshooting a Laptop

Laptop IS Like Your Next Good Friend Treat it With care
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today we shall look at Hardware Core of Laptop. If you have not being reading our tutorial on Laptop Tips and Tricks Click here. 
this tutorial we help you master the basic Laptop Repairs in terms of Battery replacement and lot more! 

 must read Article: How to fix Cracked Laptop case

Steps to Follow in Troubleshooting some vital component in  Laptop

Lose the Battery
A simple way to check the integrity of the battery is to remove it entirely and try plugging in the laptop. If the laptop powers on properly, the problem was likely a bum battery.

Learn to Beat the Heat
A non-charging battery can sometimes be caused by an overheating laptop. As the temperature rises, the battery sensor misfires, telling the system that the battery is either fully charged or missing completely, causing the charging problems. This problem becomes far more likely when dealing with older laptops which don't have the quality of cooling technology used today, or when using the laptop on the couch or in bed, with a blanket or pillow covering the cooling vents. Let the system cool down and take the time to make sure that the air vents are clean and unobstructed.

Check for Breaks
Feel along the length of the power cord, bending and flexing as you go, to check for any kinks or breaks. Check the ends for any broken connections, such as plugs pulling loose or spots that may have gotten chewed by a pet or caught in a vacuum cleaner. Inspect the AC brick. Is it discolored? Are any parts warped or expanded? Give it a sniff—if it smells like burnt plastic, that's likely where the trouble lies.
this my long list of journal and jotting some were shared with me other i did as a technician.

Normally when your laptop notification bar displays something like "plugged in not charging" there are certain things you need to do confirm firstly that the problem is not coming from your end.

First you need remove the battery clean the metallic surface with  brush and insert it back then double check you AC adapter to make sure it's properly connected if luckily you have a friend /neighbor around with similar laptop with you can simply ask for five minutes permission from them to use check your ac and battery. If non of this helped then proceed to the popular solution below
    Disconnect AC
    Remove battery
    Connect AC
    Under the Batteries category, right-click all of the Microsoft ACPI Compliant Control Method Battery listings, and select Uninstall (it’s ok if you only have 1).
    Disconnect AC
    Insert battery
    Connect AC

If this do not still solve your problem you urgently need third party software / application for advanced analysis of your battery.    If you are using windows 7 there is no need looking for a third party program you can follow this little trick to check your battery info using cmd it doesn't matter if it's hp laptop, dell laptop, accer laptop or any other brand it works with all laptops  brand.

Using Windows 7 Inbuilt option to check your battery health demands you do this
Click Start button and type cmd in Search programs and files box
Right click on cmd.exe listed at the top of the Start menu and click Run as administrator
In the command prompt type cd %userprofile%/Desktop and press Enter
Next type powercfg -energy in the command prompt and press Enter 

powercfg will enable a trace for 60 seconds. If you want to use it for more information than just the battery details, make sure no other processes are running during that time
note this
cd %userprofile%/Desktop
and this
powercfg -energy

When finished, powercfg will generate a report (in html format) which shows errors, warnings etc. Since we directed the command prompt to your desktop, the report will be placed on your desktop as energy-report.html. Just open the report in your web browser & scroll down to the Battery Information section.

For other windows version user you can find many handy tools you can use to check you pc battery health like the one here http://download.cnet.com/Laptop-Battery-Tester/3000-2094_4-10468524.html?tag=mncol;8 To download third party battery checking tools for mac os use this link http://www.coconut-flavour.com/coconutbattery/ otherwise visit your laptop manufacturer website to download battery health checking tools.

From the report generated you should be able to know if the battery was actually the problem and if this doesn't solve the problem you will be left with only one last option => that is updating your bios version you can actually do this by visiting your laptop manufacturer website and download the executable bios file run it like a normal setup . I think this should solve the problem else invite the service of a technician who can replace the charging port or mb
Check the Connector
When you plug in the laptop's power connector, the connection should be fairly solid. If it's suddenly wobbly or loose, or if the receiving socket gives when it should stay firm, the power jack may have broken inside the chassis. Are there discolorations or any sort of burning smell? If there seems to be any damage to the power connector, repairs will be in order.

Swap Out Cord and Battery
These are the cheapest and easiest-to-swap parts on the laptop. A replacement power cable can often be had for under $10 on Amazon.com, and replacement batteries can be picked up for under $100. Replacement cables are most easily found by searching under the model name of the laptop, while batteries often have their own model numbers. Look for a replacement that matches the voltage specifications of the equipment your laptop came with, and be aware that cheap replacement parts from third-party manufacturers may not have the quality of the originals.

At this point we've eliminated the problems that can be caused by kinked cords or environmental causes. If you still find yourself powerless, the problem lies within the computer itself, caused by either a software issue or faulty hardware.

the above are the simple method taking to Troubleshoot  Laptop , Battery

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