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Friday, 5 July 2013

How to Create User Account in a computer

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Thanks for coming today to read from our website. Today I shall share briefly how one can open a multiple Account on his computer system
What Is Account in Computer
Account in computer is not the usual or normal account we have in our Bank. Account in computer simply means the process of dividing the windows of a computer to have different loading interface.
You can create Account for yourself and have one for your guest. Don’t worry I will guide you through out the process of creating it so that you can have a better understanding of what I mean.

Simple Step to Follow to Open Account

1.Click at start Button
2.Left click at control Panel
3.Locate User Account Normally it has two human Icon and Left click on it
4.Left click at create a new account on the Dialogue Box that appear
5.Type in the name you want the account to bear example Junior
6.Click at next
7.Pick an Account type either as computer Administrator or a limited Account
Note: Administrator Account will have much more control than limited account. Just make sure you read the instruction carefully before you choose any of the option.
Click at create account and your account will be created successfully
How To assign some control and feature to the new account
 Sometime you may decide to add an additionally control to the account you created example assigning password, changing the Account Icon etc. to accomplish this follow this simple step.
Locate and Click at the account you have created
You will be presented with the following items
Change: this will change the name of your Account
Create Password: follow this to assign a password to your account
Change the picture: follow this to change the picture and at look of your account
Chang the account type: this feature will modify the existing account type you have
Delete Account: These command if apply will delete your current account

After changing and modifying the changes as started above you can now restart your computer to see the new account you have created. After restating your computer just click at the new account and the system will load the setting and prepare the window interface for you and you are good to go. 

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