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Friday, 28 June 2013

What is Microsoft Corporation

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When you come to ICT there is only some few outstanding industry that has made an impact in the world of ICT, prominent among them are
But because of our time, we shall concentrate our discussion on Microsoft.
What is Microsoft Corporation?
Microsoft Corporation is a multinational computer company that is mass producing software ranging from office related software, application programs, operating systems, to web browsers software e.g. internet Explorer etc.
Microsoft as it is popularly called is ranking high in office software production all of the world is made possible do to the great effort of the founder.
Founder of Microsoft
Bill Gate is the founder of Microsoft. In one of my next post we shall look into Bill Gate Background.
Microsoft Product
Below is a few list of Microsoft Corporation Popular software as at the time of written these post 

Office Application Software e.g
Microsoft Frontage

Microsoft One note
Microsoft Window

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Powerpoint

Operating System e.g.

Windows 95

windows 98

Windows 2000

windows xp

windows 7

windows 8

Web Browser Software e.g.

 Internet Explorer

Encounter Dictionary

the above list are the few product we can list Microsoft are producing and lot more of them. so you can check more product by  yourself by doing some Google work on your PC.  thanks for reading from our post today.

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