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Saturday, 15 June 2013

How To Protect My PC Against Virus Attack


Protecting your PC against virus is one of the greatest challenges that we face every day of our life.
before we proceed on this topic we shall look into what virus means
Meaning Of Virus

A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer program without your knowledge and runs against your wishes especially at the foreground of the computer. Viruses can also replicate themselves that they can give birth by themselves. All computer viruses are man-made. A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will quickly use all available memory and bring the system to a halt. An even more dangerous type of virus is one capable of transmitting itself across networks and bypassing security systems.

Since 1987, when a virus infected ARPANET, a large network used by the Defense Department and many universities, many antivirus programs have become available all over the net for download. These software periodically check your computer system and try to analyze it  for the best-known types of viruses.
Some people distinguish between general viruses and worms. A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate itself and use memory, but cannot attach itself to other programs.
so having look at virus definition ho can we then protect our PC from Virus  attack

You must safeguard your PC. Following these basic rules will help you protect you and your family whenever you go online  Even Offline
  1. Protect your computer with strong security software and keep it updated. McAfee Total Protection provides proven PC protection from Trojans, hackers, and spyware. Its integrated anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, anti-spam, anti-phishing, and backup technologies work together to combat today’s advanced multi-faceted attacks. It scans disks, email attachments, files downloaded from the web, and documents generated by word processing and spreadsheet programs.
  2. Use a security conscious Internet service provider (ISP) that implements strong anti-spam and anti-phishing procedures. The SpamHaus organization lists the current top-10 worst ISPs in this category—consider this when making your choice.
  3. Enable automatic Windows updates, or download Microsoft updates regularly, to keep your operating system patched against known vulnerabilities. Install patches from other software manufacturers as soon as they are distributed. A fully patched computer behind a firewall is the best defense against Trojan and spyware installation this can go along way to safeguard your PC.
  4. Use great caution when opening attachments. Configure your anti-virus software to automatically scan all email and instant message attachments. Make sure your email program doesn’t automatically open attachments or automatically render graphics, and ensure that the preview pane is turned off. Never open unsolicited emails, or attachments that you’re not expecting—even from people you know.
  5. Be careful when using P2P file sharing. Trojans hide within file-sharing programs waiting to be downloaded. Use the same precautions when downloading shared files that you do for email and instant messaging. Avoid downloading files with the extensions .exe, .scr, .lnk, .bat, .vbs, .dll, .bin, and .cmd.
  6. Use security precautions for your PDA, cell phone, and Wi-Fi devices. Viruses and Trojans arrive as an email/IM attachment, are downloaded from the Internet, or are uploaded along with other data from a desktop. Cell phone viruses and mobile phishing attacks are in the beginning stages, but will become more common as more people access mobile multimedia services and Internet content directly from their phones. Mobile Anti-Virus software for a selected devices is available for free with some McAfee PC products. Always use a PIN code on your cell phone and never install or download mobile software from a un-trusted source.
  7. Configure your instant messaging application correctly. Make sure it does not open automatically when you fire up your computer.
  8. Beware of spam-based phishing schemes. Don’t click on links in emails or IM.
  9. Back up your files regularly and store the backups somewhere besides your PC. If you fall victim to a virus attack, you can recover photos, music, movies, and personal information like tax returns and bank statements.
  10. Stay aware of current virus news by checking sites like McAfee Labs Threat Center.

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Reference Note Link-
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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rose Lee for your great suggestion. I really appreciate it and I will look into it.


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